Here is FS17 Case Tractors,Plough,Cultivator V1.1 By Eagle355th
Marine Camo Case IH QuadTrac 1000 Eagle355th
Green Case IH QuadTrac 1000 Eagle355th 1
Black Camo Case IH QuadTrac 1000 Eagle355th 2
CaseIHQuadtrac620 Eagle355th
CaseIHQuadtrac620 Eagle355th_1
CaseIHQuadtrac620 Eagle355th_2
FS17 amazonePantera_Eagle355th
FS17 vaederstadTopDown500_Eagle355th
Tractors 692 Hp Price,s low For everything! All is washable!
All is Modified To perform the job that needs done.
There will be a Pack I will be uploading later on!
Have Fun Enjoy! There is more to come!
If you do not like the mod after checking it out
then just delete it out of your mods folder.
Unpack open the mods zip folder then copy all into your mods folder.
C:\Users\.\Documents\my games\FarmingSimulator2017\mods.Have fun!!!
Credits:By Eagle355th Giants Other modders

1 Downloads in
8 years ago

nice color choices, well done
Thank you more to come.
Another great set of mods , gotta love all that cheap horsepower,,lol.
The amazonePantera?? love the extra speed BUT!!!, at full speed it misses a lot of the coverage, giving us patches of unsprayed field, 15-17km/h seemd to be about the limit, unless the liquid flow can be increased
Thanks. I can change the flow of it.
Working on other stuff right now.
Doing this FS 17 Mods is a lot different to make.
Also trying to convert FS 15 To FS 17 Is not easy.
Excellent tractors with high HP at a low price. I am hoping you are bringing over the Krone Mowers from FS15 on to Here. Those are awesome...matter of fact. All your mods are great. Please keep on modding.
yes that would be nice to have the mowers in 17
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