FS17 Cat Pack V1
All the Machines has been modified
For more horse Power Speed High Liters
Also made the Lights Brighter for Night..
FS17 Cat 345B Excavator V1
FS17 Cat 725A Dump v1
FS17 Cat 725A FertSpreader V1
FS17 Cat 725A Liquid Manure V1
FS17 Cat 725A Solid Manure V1
FS17 Cat 725A Tanker v1
FS17 Cat_980H_V1
FS17 Cat_980H_V1
FS17 Cat_Actros_V1
FS17 cat_Bulk_Liquids_V1
FS17 Cat_Dolly_V1
FS17 Cat_Flatbed_UAL_V1
FS17 Cat_Kenworth_K100_V1
FS17 Cat_LowLoader_V1
FS17 Cat_SemiTrailer_V1/
No Errors in log!
Have Fun Enjoy! There is more to come!
If you do not like the mod after checking it out
then just delete it out of your mods folder.
Unpack open the mods zip folder then copy all into your mods folder.
C:\Users\.\Documents\my games\FarmingSimulator2017\mods.Have fun!!!
Credits:Original fs13 author Goelm / Cat Edit Getsome2030 Converted to FS17 By winston9587. Edit By Eagle355th
- 1 Downloads in
7 years ago
Plzz fix it, you cant bye them in the store.
I'm going to repaint these a Different yellow I have some cat Machines across the road of me I'll use the color of them They will look Better I do a reupload tonight But have to give me time to repaint them.. Have A Nice Day!
LOVE THIS Did you look in the Cat symbol They all work I made sure of that..
I can't purchase the vehicles. No problem with trailers. Maybe i have a mod conflict? I love your mods btw.
Never mind it was a mod conflict
what was the mod conflict i am having the same issue
How you make cotton bales with the contest Mod? https://youtu.be/WTfz2VJdh28?t=6m29s
joe what was the correction u made to make the trucks and tractors work please
HEY Pat Do this reinstall them That will take care of your problem..
So everyone knows I am uploading A Cat V1.1 Pack
That will be repainted to A Certain Yellow Color It will replace this mod pack.....
What does Cotton Bales have to do with these Cat Mods LOL Right Nothing!
Hello guys followed steps above and still cant by the trucks or wheel loader from cat logo any help....
eagle i hate to tell u it prolly is a mod problem it still wont let me buy the trucks or tractors. i can buy the trailors left and right
I am too am unable to buy the powered vehicles but can the secondary vehicles.
when will the krone mower be available????
Im, uploading a new pack now..
am working on this pack of mine From fs 15 I got it converted but it has issues so when I get it fixed I will upload it
DO NOT USE the Light Addon and the 4REAL MODULE 01 Will interrupt a lot of mods .
The Console extension mod will also conflict with other mods
When using alot of mods DO NOT USE the Light Addon and the 4REAL MODULE 01 or Console extension mod They will cause conflicts with other mods When you don't use them alot of mods will work for you..
I hope this helps alot of people.. Have A Nice Day!
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