Here it is guys and girls final release of hillbilly valley made bunch of changes to map cow barn added fence added fix sum things on map added new factory to map you can sell milk with milk mod placeable took out signs I made for map caused little lag in map added equipment to start with now let me know if you like hillbilly valley v2 has chop straw sugarcane.
- 1 Downloads in
6 years ago
Well, you made a good attempt at it. But white buildings, troughs and silage pits have to be made look like the rest of the map. This means it is incomplete, try again to complete the map. Thanks
can you tell me what is messed up so I can find it more easy like location on map thanks for the information that way I can get it fix faster
It is the cow barn, the two troughs (feed and water). Then the long silage storage bins. They are all appearing white. Thank you for your response.
I get in the fix thanks
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