City2 from Vaszics 1.0
The City2 map was re-mapped by City Map. The basics are similar, but the environment is completely different.
Hope that you will be able to find information on the map with the help you need. I apologize for any existing mistakes and will constantly improve it.
The 11-12-13-14-15 fields are owned and the rest must be purchased. Water can be obtained free of charge at source. Field 11 is used with grass.
When launching a new game, I have the machines I have proposed on the map, which can of course be replaced at any time. To do this, it is necessary to copy the files in the defaultVehicles \ new \ Machines and modes required directory to the MODS directory.
The Proposed machines and modes directory contains the files that can help the game.
In the price table, most of the icons on fruits have been replaced on a text surface for easier handling. The plant icon is not visible in table 2-3 of crop types. This does not affect the course of the game. The Factory information field.xlsx excel table in the package can provide a great deal of help with the material needs of the factories.
It is possible to accelerate harvest maturity. To do so, the file in the package must be copied to the MODS directory.
You can get more capacity trains if you use the assembly I have assembled.
The individual capacity of grain and sugarBeets wagons has been increased to 30,000,000 liters. This way we can deliver a larger quantity of goods at a time (up to 270,000,000 liters).
To do this, the contents of the attached train / new directory must be copied to the correct location of the original FS17 program (it is recommended to copy it from the original library before copying).
C: \ Program Files \ Farming Simulator 17 \ Farming Simulator 17 \ data \ vehicles \ train
Some parameters:
The map is 4x
Factory (37)
Bakery, Biofood, Brewery, Canned_fruit, Coffee, Dairy, Eggfarm,Fermentation, Fertilizer, Forage, Goldmine, Goose, Green1, Green2,Greenmanure, Hmilk, Jam_juice_yogurt,Mills, Noodles, Oilfield,Oil_Mills, Orchid_gardens, Pigfood, PotatoCenter, Rabbits,Reibekuchen, Sawmill, Seed, Slaughterhouse, Slurry, Southern Fruit, Sugar, Tobacco, Weberei, Whiskey, Winery
Store (18)
Airport, Bale, Banking, Castle, Central, Farmhouse, Fuel, Gasstation,Grainport, Graintrans, Horse, Hospital, Market, Milksell, Power,Shop, Wine, Wood Sell
Products (129)
apple, applecanned, aviationfuel, bakery, banana,
bananaliqueur, barley, barleyflour, beer, blackbean, boards,
bread bullsblood, butter, carrot, cartonsvapa, cauliflower, cauliflower2, chaff, cherry, cherrycanned, cigar, cigarette, coco, coconuwhiterum, coffee, coffeeBD, condensedmilk, cookingOil, cornflour, cotton, cow, dryGrass_windrow, emptypalletsvapa, fatteningFood, fertilizer, forage, fruitsugar, fuel, gold, gooseFood, gooseliver, goosemeat, grape, grapejuice, grass_windrow, gratedcoco, greenmanure, HMIL, hops, jam, juice, kefir, liquidFertilizer, liquidManure, maize, manure, meat, melon, melon2, millet, milk, mmcandy, Motoroil, mustard, noodles, oat, Oil, onion, orange, orangesyrup, osternei, residual fuel oil, paper, peanut, pig, pigFood, plum, plumcanned, potato, potatoChip, pumpkin, pumpkin2, rabbit food, rabbitmeat, rape, raspberrybeer, raspberrysvapa, redcurrantsbeer,redcurrantssvapa, reibekuchen, rice, ripebanana, rye, sausage, seeds, sheep, silage, sorghum, soybean, steamedPotato,stoffrolleMK, straw,strawberrybeer, strawberrysvapa, sudangrass, sugar, SUGARBEET, sugarcane, sunflower, tobacco, tokaynoble, tomato, tomato2, Trester, triticale, washedPotato, water, wheat, wheatflour, whiskey, wood, woodChips, wool, yogurt, yogurt1
Good game
- 1 Downloads in
6 years ago
Vasizics....The 180 trailer pack has no Category listed so they now show up in the Misc list. Should be in Trailers, yes or no. Bob
Hi Bob!
The trailers are in Vaszics square. I have tried to use the tools and machines I have proposed and used in one group. The MODS directory should replace the trailer mode because the new one contains the proper fruit.
Hello VASZICS, Was this tested in multiplayer? I have an 8 man farming team and would love to try this map. Thanks in advance.
I tried to start the map. The startscreen is running, and runs, and still runs - after I came back from shopping, it was still running. And no, there are no other maps in the mod directory.
I honestly say I did not test. I will try to correct this deficiency. Give me an email address where I can give you direct notification. My email address: [email protected]
Since the start-up map is configured for the recommended vehicles, everything from the MODS directory must first be deleted. Complete deletion is suggested because one of the modes is jammed with the map and it is sluggish, but this radical method is quick and safe.
You must also copy the contents of the defaultVehicles \ new \ Necessary machines and modes directory on the map. So start it, it must work. The modes are configured on the map and if you like playing them. If you do not like it, you can change it at any time. Good game.
Besides that, please read what I wrote to the map.
Give me an email address where I can give you direct notification. My email address: [email protected]
You must also copy the contents of the defaultVehicles \ new \ Necessary machines and modes directory on the map. So start it, it must work. The modes are configured on the map and if you like playing them. If you do not like it, you can change it at any time. Good game.
Besides that, please read what I wrote to the map.
Give me an email address where I can give you direct notification. My email address: [email protected]
I apologize for the double comment, accidentally I clicked twice.
Based on a quick test. Do not use the and modes I suggest. If they are not in the MODS library, the map can be run in MULTIPLAYER mode. I hope I could help.
Thanks for that man. We will give it a try.
@VASZICS... there is a problem at the winery with one of the pickup points , unable to drive through . Bob.
Hi Bob!
I corrected. A separate email is going.
bonjour vaszics c'est pas facile de jouer sur votre carte avec les numeros sur les declencheurs pour les fabriques pour moi c'etait mieux lorsque l'on voyait les photos de ce que l'on devait mettre dans les declencheurs dans les usines et fabriques c'est mon avis personnel de joueur car j'ai des problémes aux yeux pour voir ces numeros sinon tres belle ferme comme d'habitude continuer comme ca et merci encore
Je m'excuse pour le changement. Je dis sincèrement que je suis désolé. Peut-être que si vous jouez beaucoup sur la carte, vous pouvez mémoriser les lieux. Un peu plus tôt, beaucoup de gens s’étaient opposés aux instructions de frappe, j’ai donc essayé de les changer. Ce n'était pas une bonne idée. Je suis tellement désolé.
bonjour VASZICS je vous remercie pour votre reponse vos autres cartes sont tres belles celle ci j'ai vraiment du mal a jouer dessus je suis obligé d'arreter cette carte a contre coeur peut etre la prochaine sera t'elle différente remerciement pour toute les belles cartes que vous faite je joue sur vos cartes depuis farming simulator 2015 toujours plus belle les une que les autres un grand merci pour tout le travail acharné que vous faite pour nous les fermiers et bravo monsieur VASZICS
Construire une carte pour moi est amusant et joyeux. C'est juste un bonus pour s'amuser un peu. Malheureusement, l'avenir n'est plus encourageant. Mon ordinateur ne répond plus aux exigences matérielles de FarmingSimulator 2019 et, malheureusement, mes options ne permettent pas la mise à niveau de l'ordinateur. Je dois finir de construire des cartes.
bonjour VASZICS quelle domage de perdre un si grand créateur de cartes des cartes magiques et si belles a jouer je vais vous regretter sincérement je vous souhaites beaucoup de belle choses dans votre vie cordialement marcello
Merci! Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur dans la vie.
Hi Vaszics, i just started playing this one and I enjoy it , keep up the good work my friend
Hi TEX104!
Thank you for the encouraging words. I will try everything. so that I can continue to enjoy my maps.
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