American Outback Special Edition v1.0


This is the American Outback - Special Edition Map. It is Seasons-ready, supports ChoppedStraw and is a 99% overhaul of the original American Outback map.

List of changes:
- new roads
- new farm
- new town
- new hills
- new trains
- new selling points
- new trees across the whole map
- more green color pallet used across the map

Map info:
- cows
- chickens
- sheep
- 18 fields



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Commented on 2018-07-01 14:13:42

Hello, i have a problem with wool pallet at sheep, do not add any pallets at the respawn point ...

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Commented on 2018-07-01 15:55:39

I can't turn the Grass into Hay using the standard Pottinger Tedder ??? Any Answers ????

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Please answer someone! I can't find the map in the game and i want this map very,very much!

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