Canadian Village Map v3.0


This is a fresh build using the snake starter map as empty map. The reason for rebuilding the map is that I couldn't fix the problems remaining on the map permanetly, intermitent problems are the hardest to solve. So I have rebuild the map part by part until those problem reappeared, and they did; but this time I caught them, since then it worked flawlessly including the farm silo and I tested it countless times.
The map has 14 fields this time, carrot and onion were removed so the map does not require additional header to operate.
For the animals, water and gazing mod were installed,
Water mod is installed and ready to start near each animal water inlet, rain water option was activated so it will fill them with rain water at all time.
Gazing mod will feed cow, cow2, sheep  and sheep2 with grass as long as there are animals in the pasture and that grass is available. Seasons mod will delay the grass growth at first so you have to wait longer before it starts. I modified the gazing script to accomodate the animals 2 also and to my surprise, after many years without doing any script  it worked just fine.
Water is free on the map, This one is seasons mod ready.
++ This is a first release so you might encounter small problem, please leave a note that explains the problem so I can fix it.
The log has no errors.



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Commented on 2018-06-07 10:07:19

belle carte j'avais pris l'habitude de récolté carottes et oignons dommage qu'ils soit retirés sinon belle carte comment peut ton rajouter ces deux légumes merci.
beautiful card I used to harvest carrots and onions pity they are removed otherwise beautiful card how can you add these two vegetables thank you.

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Commented on 2018-06-07 12:03:06

Where is SugarCane, such a shit

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Commented on 2018-06-07 12:16:44

ok avec maximus autre animaux que des doublon merci

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Commented on 2018-06-07 12:41:44

@ICH, Yes we know you're a shit but for some reason we tolerate you anyway. @Rene thanks for the map and making the effort and contributing, keep it up.

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Commented on 2018-06-07 12:48:37

@ich, du noch mehr scheisse bist, spiel mit dein Barby Baby

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Commented on 2018-06-07 15:41:18

je vais telecharger celle qui avait onion carrot et sugarcane, j'ai changer d'idee a la derniere minute, j'ai encore celle qui les avais, je jette un coup d'oeil et je la telecharge bientot.

I will upload the one with carrot , onion et sugarcane, I changed my mind just before uploading the map and removed them, I have the one with all fruits ready, let me take a look to make shure it's ok, then I will upload it.

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Commented on 2018-06-08 12:53:16

Rene, 2.1 was my favorite map that I played.I deleted it sadly because it messed up so often.I am looking forward to starting v3.

The breeding cows showed that there was milk available but I could never discover how to get it.Is there a way to get to it in this new version?

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