Case JXU 85 Pack v1.1


Authors: Giants & RivalBomb
In FS17 / Edit model CatFan18 Mods

Price: $ 66,990.
Maintenance: $ 75 / day.
Power: 85 Km.
Max speed: 40 Km / h.

- Pure Log.
- Wheels standard.
- Wheels with weights.
- Wheels broad.
- Wheels wide with weights.
- Wheels narrow.
- With any type of wheel changes the width of the front and rear fenders.
- Passenger.
- Opening doors and windows.
- Panel IC.
- Left the door open from the outside.
- Movable pedals: Gases, clutches and brakes.
- Mirrors.
- Washable.
- With edited cabin with NH 8340.
- Folding front Tuz.
- Choice: Tuz, sinker or nothing.
- Multicolor wheels.
- Counter: Fuels, turns and speed.
- Indicator lights and indicators.
- Console round.
- Configuration options of the engine.

- Version of black and red.
- New weights on the wheel.
- There's only one cock.
- Increased turning radius.
- Reverse Mobile.
- Movable wajcha front linkage.
- Movable wajcha linkage.
- Improved texture.
- Small changes in the model.
- Ability pictures of the front fenders in the workshop.




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