This is a conversion of the GIANTS FS-15 Farming Classics DLC. This is a collection of historical tractors and tools from the 1960s.
10 historical vehicles
Bucher D4000 | Buehrer RP21 | Deutz D80 | Guldner G40 | Guldner G40 Frontloader | Hatz H340 | Huerlimann D110 | Lindner BF450 | Bucher TRL2600 | Schluter 1500TVL
15 historical tools
Amazone ZA | BPF Cultivator 3-406 | Fahr KH 4 S | Fahr MH 650 | Fahr ADN | Hassia FS | Lemken D 27/55 K | Kuhn FA367 | Krone Optimat | Poettinger 300 | old water trailer | wooden slurry tanker | old trailer | Frontloader Fork and Shovel |
The bale loader required a script and was not included.
- 1 Downloads in
6 years ago
the bale loader has a working version someplace on here
I would like to find the bale loader... since I can't find an autoload trailer that will pick up those size bales
water trailer brakes too tight. when u let off gas with whatever u r pulling it with the wheels will lock and scoot even with full load. changed brakes to 0.02 on all wagons, works great.
in above post i should also have said, damn good job!!!
any way u can make a fs19 verson of this??
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