[FBM Team] Klingenbach v1.4.0.0


Here is the current V1.4

Ground straightened under the mountain hall at the yard (thanks to Oimel, there the shoveling did not work properly)
Field 5,16 u. 20 bumps eliminated
Bakery - 2 more Schüttgoschen installed to unload all fruit individually (problem with the triggers)
Bakery - roofing of Schüttgoschen and pallet dispensing
Bakery - 3 additional pallet spawn points created at the bread issue
PDA overview again standard (points of sale are displayed normally again)
Zuckerfabrik Palettenspawner fixed
Meat production garbage bags removed on pallet spreader (did not produce)
Tipcollis installed in the yard and at the sawmill in the halls
Fixed pallet spurs on the sheep
old shed at the yard, adapted terrain and installed TipColli
StopMilkSale-Script removes there unnecessarily ---> an entry in the UserAttributes is enough to stop the milk sales
Trees and shrubs between fields removed (F13 & F14, F3, F4, F5)
own collisions created for the shelters at the yard and at the BGA (Hall raises errors in the log when Ridge Body is created)
Collis set in the fences everywhere on the map
Fixed barriers at the entrances (partially moved when saving the map)
Sewage plant liquid fertilizer production backscrewed and compost slightly increased
Palettenspawner of all productions realigned (finished pallets are always gespawnt front for better removal)
Fence in residential building in the old town translated (street was very narrow in the curve)
Floor straightened under the cowshed (shoveling in the dirt area only worked partially)
SnowMask adapted for Seasons again
Wooden pallets sale price increased
Eggs spawn points fixed (too far back and hard to reach)
Milchfülltrigger in the cows fixed (hose was not exactly at the connection)
!NEW! Dealer space enlarged to the rear, large vehicles and equipment are spawned behind
!NEW! Position of the plants refined (wheat, barley, rape, ....) are more in rank and file
!NEW! Maistextur exchanged and plants also realigned
!NEW! Field paths at the entrance to the farm from field 1 & 2 and removed replaced by asphalted roads (better solution in the long term, I think)
!NEW! Farm silo system installed in the large hall at the farm (storage for all crops, plus lime, compost and pig feed)
!NEW! Grain storage hall at the yard removed and Durchfahrhalle installed with adjoining feed mixing hall
!NEW! Libra moved backwards and replaced with the visually beautiful model
!NEW! Traunsteinersilos removed and replaced with 1 outdoor silo
!NEW! Shed replaced at the yard opposite the hall for another model
!NEW! Own feed mixing hall with the heap system created by Giants (gabs so never in this way on a map)
!NEW! Straw, grass and silage can be bought at the land trade (description on sign has been adjusted)

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I did not manage to adapt the compound food hall for the Seasons Mod,

because I have not found any suitable fillplanes for the hall that look good ...

As an interim solution, I have made grass, straw and silage purchasable as a bulk material at the land trade,
So the Seasons players can start a savegame because of the changes
later do not require a new savegame

Unfortunately, I have not received an answer because of the server error, so this was not fixed ...

I'll look back there again ...

to dissolve the recommended mod for bales in the compound feed store:
http: //www.farming-simulator.c...mod_id=79815&title=fs2017


Giants Software GmbH
Publisher: Forbidden-Mods.de
Map by: skydiver2103 [FBM Team]

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Commented on 2018-02-10 19:51:15

Map zu klein. 4 fach wäre besser.

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Commented on 2018-02-11 02:33:30

cana de açucar .......por favor......cana de açucar

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Commented on 2018-02-11 07:43:10

les panneaux des usiné marche pas on voix pas ce qui faut mettre avec de la merde !

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Commented on 2018-02-11 20:02:27

@SDL.....you need the mcompany script in your mod folder to see the all the factory scripts working.... Pity this was'nt mentioned in the description

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

MANKYDOG; dans le dossier mod ne fonctionne pas ?

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