Fendt 930 TMS v1.0


Fendt 930 TMS and Fendt 930 TMS Black Beauty
Log Clear
IC panel
Door opener
Choice of wheels
Choice of colors
Opened doors,roof, glass front and back
Fenders installed after to approach and more other scripts.


Modell: Mr Fox
Textur: Mr Fox, Nazarbajew112
Script: Nazarbajew112
Tester: Nazarbajew112

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Commented on 2017-04-05 09:20:37

Warning: Missing l10n for button INTERACTIVE_CONTROL_SWITCH in fs17ru_Fendt930
Warning: Missing l10n for button SET_DOOROPENER in fs17ru_Fendt930
Warning: Missing l10n for button SET_WARNING_SIGN in fs17ru_Fendt930

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