This is a Blue Ford Ranger that I converted from fs15.
There is something that makes it make the game laggy witch I can not find.
Its in V1
This is Not MY MOD I just converted it.
And if you are able to figure out what the lag is then please let me know!

1 Downloads in
7 years ago

Cześć mógł byś zrobić sprintera porządnego którego mógł bym używać do transportu??
To fix the lag go to game.xml Then go to this line
You should change the file enable="true" To file enable="false"
It should look like this when your done.
To fix the lag go to game.xml Then go to this line
You should change the file enable="true" To file enable="false"
It should look like this when your done.
Tak, jaki rodzaj?
transita albo sprintera bez roznicy najwazniejsze zeby na tyl dalo sie zaladowac cos
Co masz na myśli bez diffrence?
sam wybierz jaki ci pasuje mi bez roznicy aby zeby mozna bylo go uzywac do przewozu roznych rzeczy na tyle
Zrobię sprintera dla ciebie i sprawię, że drzwi tylne mogą się otworzyć, aby mogły nosić palety i takie rzeczy.
Wielkie dzieki przyda sie szukalem ale nie znalazlem jedynie jednego mercedesa znalazlem ale ostatecznie jest za maly sprinter bedzie w sam raz .
jeszcze raz wiekie dzieki XD
Ok, czy nadal chcesz, żebym to zrobił?
Can't you read the description before accusing me. In the description it says I DO NOT OWN THIS MOD AND I CONVERTED IT FROM FS15 to FS17!
It doesn't matter if you say you don't own it, you never got permission. Understand that this is why modders stop releasing mods
Alright then ill just delete my account, and stop modding.
Psmodding must stand for piece of shit.
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users////Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/fs17ru_Blue_Ford_Ranger_V1/store_carPiQup.png'.
блядь,вы мудоделы заебали!!!! либо делайте нормально,либо не суйтесь вообще!!!!!
Well it stands for Power Stroke Modding, but Im not going to upload again until I can learn to Mod right.
Why are all of you guys giving this guy crap. You need to go read his homepage. I have learned if all you know how to do is criticize people then you need to shut up and not say anything. Giants also says that once you make a mod public it is not yours anymore.
You don't want your shit edited or reproduced for other fs games then here is an idea KEEP YOUR SHIT TO YOUR SELF. If you havn't learned yet that this community has no respect for anything then you truly are retarded.
Not a Ford Ranger! The ranger badge for this truck is just a package like custom or camper special. This would be a F150,F250 or F350.
Hej i jak tam sie maja sprawy z busem??
@LMAO: Id like to see you make a mod!
@Pawel: Nadal pracujesz, czy obchodzisz się, czy jest konwertowany z symulatora rolniczego 15?
moze byc i skonwertowany jesli jest to latwiejsze mnie to nie przeszkadza
Czesc i jak tam postepy ??
Dude lay off the guy he just converted a great truck thats it.
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