Welcome to Dorfbach and Grünwald. You are managing one farm with cows, sheeps , chickens and pigs which you bought from a auction.
To have a second start with the farm you need to grow your crops, and harvest them to get the money to buy new machinery.
Continue on the game (1.0.1)
Just delete the following files from the folder savegameN °
V 1.0.2
-Do Not need for new game.
-Pas besoin de nouvelle partie
-delete broom (problem wool place)
-Delete error (droga zygzak.dds)
-Fix terrain field11
-Adjust crane wood
-v1.0.2.1 Delete col Flotation
-Added Crane for timber at sawmill
-Delete Errors: fxCircleShader.xml’.
-Adjust the ground on all map
-Removing grass on the road
-Removing grass In buildings
-Delete colision sawmill (woodChips)
-The interaction marked zone Adjust
-Adjust cars parquing
-Add logo work in farm
-Change the silo farm ( now accepted: wheat rape barley maize sunflower soybean grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow straw)
-Adjust TipCol BunkerSilo (silage)
-Adjust Doors Work farm
-Change pallets texture black
-Adjust gain cultures
-Corrections other small problem
-Vehicle reset point on farm and shop
-Milk transport manuel
-décograss deleteable
-100% Multiplayers
-25 fields
-All Basic Cultures
-All animals
-Doors Open/close
-Lighting at night
– Manual lighting in the farm.
-1 farm with all collected animals
-BGA BioGaz
-Collision to Bunker silos and buildings
-Water reflexion
-100% Fields mission
encore quelle équipe de bras cassé !
en deux tu a fait le tours
trop petit c'est pour les mains
a la place de faire pour les mains fait une plus grande de maps deja vu et revu !!
deja les gens avant de critiquer reagisse ce n est pas la version officiel la team de blacksheep et lui meme n ont jammais fait de version2.5 celle ci est un fake
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