Update from: 19.04.2018
Now it's that time again, here is the last big update for the LS17 of the Hof Bergmann Map, the new features can be found below in the changelog.
As a surprise, a day ahead of schedule.
- Seasons Ready
- ChoppedStraw Ready
- Dynamic Manure Pants Ready
It is absolutely necessary the patch 1.5.1 otherwise the map will not be displayed. And it is advisable to start a new game.
The map has now been updated and it has changed a trifle on the scripts. All those who have downloaded this map and the addon today 10:12:17 before 20: 30h can leave everything as it is, you do not necessarily have to reload considering but in the MP the same mods must be present.

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

ou et le pack de mods merci
super carte vraiment bien chapeau , il y a longtemps que dans les cartes qu'il ni y avait pas
Temp d’animaux
The Best Map in LS17
super carte bon boulot "enfin des chèvres" encore bravo
merci pour cette très belle map,j'adore les hirondelles dans le ciel à la ferme.comment avoir des oies et dans le menu animaux ,il y a farm dogs,qu'en est-il ? encore un grand merci...
chez le marchant d'animaux
I"ve found the StartVehicle pack here :
J'ai trouver le pack de départ des vehicules ici :
sinon sur twicth y a xandoria qui là est traduit en français
@ MIKA alors mika pour info sur twicth y a xandoria c'est la version 1.0.4 et pas la version V1.0.0.5
Beautiful map. Big thanks!
i dont get any slurry from pigs or cows
anyone have same problem?
pour le pack mods j’ai trouver ici https://www.modding-welt.com/downloads/entry/2111-hof-bergmann-reloaded/#files
update is coming
J' arrive pas a acheté les dogs svp merci
mcompanygraphic where can i find its but i mis that
very nice map from you thanks
Here is the download link.
In addition, you have to enter the net just in the net .... D.
@ALLAN ,,, Ford Transit you have to go to this place you see on the picture.
You will not see it in the car but the charging icon shows you are in it.
You can only ship 1 dog at a time.
thank you endy1 where can i load the pastery milk in the field
Endy1 jai pas trouvé Ford Transit pour les chiens sur la carte
pour les chien et ce que il faut une remorque spéciale Endy1 merci
Unfortunately, the seassons mod does not work properly.
There is a random number of 12,000 starts to jump in the night.
The pigs do not produce young piglets.
Overall, seassons mod is not compact with this map.
The map itself without the seassons is very good, there are true bugs, quite a few smaller ones, but you can live with them.
I hope the bugs will be repaired soon.
google translated
Reported and confirmed bugs in version (Hotfdix update coming soon)
- Pigs and cows do not produce manure (will be fixed in the next version)
- straw tarpaulin on the ponies does not work (will be fixed in the next version)
- Pigs freeze (will be fixed in the next version)
- 32 floor angles no longer work (will be fixed in the next version)
- Water from the dog was mistakenly displayed in the yard silo (will be fixed in th
Bonjour, je n' arrive plus a ouvrir les portail pour sortir les véhicules, avant cette version ça marché, que dois je faire, merci.
bonjour a tous j'ai un problème pour acheter les propriétés des poneys et des poules ainsi que le remplissage d'eau prés du garage dans la cour de la ferme quelqu'un pourrai t'il me renseigner merci de vos réponses
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