This is the map "Hopbox". An original Googlemaps replica with a size of 16 square kilometers (4x Map).
On the map are built over 30 independent courts and over 60 different productions.
- 14 additional types of fruit
- rabbits, geese, chickens, snails, fish, cattle, dairy cows, calves, piglets can be farmed
- Seasons ready
- purchasable objects
- 230 fields
- 900ha of field and about 600ha of forest installed
- 1 Downloads in
6 years ago
GREAT MAP, I just testet the map and its a great map, the only minor downside is that there is no traffic on the map, so you have to make your own traffic splines and pedestrian splines, but that is quick work. Also you can use the mod to already sow the fields AKA ALT+C, works on any field and no errors . Have fun
Awesome map, took a helicopter ride around the map and discovered things not on the mini. I think I'm going to set up shop here for a bit. Needed to take out a loan right away, but I see a huge profit in the future.
Use a different site to upload at. '' claims " do not limit download speed. And this is why we are the No. 1 of games mods sharing platform in the world. (*download speed is not limited from our side)."
Yeah, right. That's why it downloads at a tenth of the speed of Modhub. I am not waiting 23 hours to get this file downloaded.
Either they limit download speeds or they are on the world's slowest internet service.
only one of the mods took 10min
Maybe it's faster if you sign up for membership but not as an unregistered user. It says it will take 19 hours because it's downloading at 25.7KB per second. Modhub downloads go at a minimum of 150 MB per second, generally around 300-500 MB per second. As I stated, either has a piss poor internet provider or they are limiting the download speeds.
My antivirus will not let me download from this site.
There is malware attached to the download.
Help Me !!!
Ou acheter les lapins et les oies sur la map ???
merci !!!!
I can't find any of the "goose farms", or factories, or whatever they are supposed to be. I can buy the geese, but I don't know where the places are to take them, after I have bought them. Has anyone found this, yet?
les lapins doivent etre achetéau negociant de betail
en bas a gauche de la carte
pour les oies il faut aller sur l'elevage .. la tu vois un elevage de cochon ... tu cherches l'icone # et tu clique sur B avec ta manette
rabbits must be bought from the cattle dealer
bottom left of the map
for geese it is necessary to go on the breeding .. you see a pig breeding ... you look for the icon # and you click on B with your joystick
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