Hummer H2 LS17 v0.17.0


As in the LS15 the Hummer H2 for the LS17
Adapted to LS17, log is clean. He can pull trailer and drive ....;)

What I could not resolve:
Mirrors do not work
Speedometer does not work one hundred percent correct
slips from time to time xD

Of related interest, is followed by a version with fertilizer, the fire department version with water cannon (Karcher) will not exist in the LS17 well ...

For questions, suggestions, criticism, leave a commend)
Paypal link: donated me a beer;)
Google English:;)

As in the LS15 the Hummer H2 for the LS17
Adapted to LS17, log is clean. He can pull trailers and drive ....

What I could not fix:
Mirrors do not work
Speedometer is not running one hundred percent Correctly
Slips from time to time xD

If there is a CORRESPONDING interest, a version with fertilizer will follow, the fire-brigade version with extinguishing cannon (Karcher) will probably not exist in LS17.
Inquiries, suggestions, criticism, leave a comment;)
Paypal link: Spend me to Beer;)


Modell: MasterXerion
Textur: MasterXerion
Tester: MasterXerion
Sonstige: MasterXerion

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