Model uses all standard quality textures including normal maps and reflective maps.
Model is fully washable.
Easily matched the lighting and have added full interior lighting.
Trailer Low added for wider use via trailer support.
Drive mode script has been added for versatility and improved driving experience at higher speed.
Cost of the unit is 58300 and daily up keep is 58, the maximum power of this vehicle is rated at 145bhp.
New roof section added to make it more realistic.
Added RPM script to raise / lower boom and direction of movement of the tool.
New sounds from a high-quality YouTube clip of the real thing.

1 Downloads in
7 years ago

COnversion from FS15 FINALLY
You idiots need to get off this crappy site, this mod has been converted for weeks on
sweet JCB just wondering how does the potence attachment (crane boom) work are there any attach controls for its hook to use it?
mod video here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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