John Deere 6920S v2.0.0


✓ New Kleber tires added
✓ Change several bugs in MP
✓ Choice between the front curtain and the weightless version (in the shop)
✓ New windows and frames in doors and windows
✓ New chimney
✓ The new color is dirty
✓ Several repairs in the model and reduced weight

Mod has:
✓ Dirt / Washable
✓ Open the door, rear window and side windows of the IC panel
✓ Removable front fenders for approach (key R)
✓ Speed, speed and fuel level indicators
✓ Movable front axle
✓ Mirrors
✓ Sound booth
✓ Three types of tires (inline Trelleborg) (Standard Michelin) (Twin rear Trelleborg)
✓ The front suspension device
✓ Work lights, direction signals, tap warnings
✓ Left door to open the key (R)
✓ Log Games Clean


Autorzy FS15: Timber131, JDFan and deere_power, MB3D Modelling Autorzy FS17: Podwórko z Rolnikiem, FS Mods, Kiler199630 Agriculture.

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Commented on 2018-02-27 12:50:25

mod video here

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