Hello, I present my project: John Deere 7R! in this package you will find in one mod the mythical 7280R and 7310R! This is an early version of my project for FS17: ANYONE who wants to edit, improve or change this mod is FREE to do so, as long as both ameliorative and especially that share with the community of virtual factors!
At present the model with the specifications for FS17 and has been equipped with several sets of tires: standard, with ballast, wide, narrow, narrow twin wheels has been entered.


Free Modders, Dave

Similar modifications

Commented on 2017-01-11 01:35:43

Your mod? Really? That mod is a JD 7R by Ago Modding!!

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Not goingvto argue with the uploader or anybody else but once a mod is uploaded to a site it becomes anybodys mod, if the modder does not want it to be uploaded by others he or she shouldcnot post it in the first place TRUE FACT

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Commented on 2017-01-11 16:05:54

There is not a front end loader like the past mod..

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Commented on 2017-01-11 17:58:15

That statement couldnt be further from the truth..All of these models are sole property of their original creator, and protected under creative commons, though they are offered freely, to use the mod, in away not permitted by its creator, is no less a copyright infringment than if you pirate the game you are using it on. And THAT mentality is the reason we have seen such a decline in the number of quality mods being released.

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Commented on 2017-01-11 21:17:45

there is not front attacher for the front end loader

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Commented on 2017-01-12 11:14:34

@NAME. Your comment is 100^ inaccurate. The mod is copyright of the owner until 20 years after death. Try your statement in court and see where it gets you.

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Commented on 2017-01-24 23:13:26

@NAME you statement is inaccurate. Giants owns every mod created thru their software (giants editor) All you people go on about this is my mod this is not allowed to be uploaded. Might want to read the terms of use agreement. Nothing you create using Giants Editor is yours. Stop with all the butt hurt crap. Its a frigging game.

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