John Deere 9RT by KMN Modding


I know it's been quiet here lately, but here's a little something for all of you :) A conversion of the 9RT from 15. It has new lights in the hood, and a new belt, it comes with 3 engine options (9460, 9510 & 9560) and has real lights all around (Y) Huge thanks to James Brandt for helping out when I don't have time, he added the real lights, Indoor HUD and other things.

All credit goes to the original creators Rafazr (who approved of this "release"), and LBJ Modding.


KMN Modding

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Commented on 2016-12-22 11:08:51

go back to the drawing board still needs fixed

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Commented on 2016-12-22 14:15:01

Where did I say I fixed it? I'm not here to cater your needs, I simply converted it, if you want it fixed, you can do so yourself.

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Commented on 2016-12-22 15:02:25

Great Tractor KMN. Great for me!

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Commented on 2016-12-22 21:47:45

I appreciate the effort with releasing, but this thing is full of errors. All of which I can fix, but why have modding in your name if you're not going to release clean mods.

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Commented on 2016-12-23 01:29:54

And more great thoughts and fixes by the resident critics. Piss and moan about everything and do nothing to offer their expertize.

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Commented on 2016-12-23 08:21:58

Where's your offer of expertize to fix this mod?

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Commented on 2016-12-23 17:19:04

I have very limited time, and I was going to fix it up completely, and add more stuff like IC, but due to work and personal stuff, I won't have it done until mid January, maybe February. That's why I "released" this, so that people can use it until then, instead of just waiting. It's better than having nothing.

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Commented on 2016-12-23 18:07:43

Thank You.

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Commented on 2016-12-24 01:41:59

Thanks for releasing what you've got KMN. All these comments and people wonder why modders are keeping their stuff private......Just be glad you get to use the damn thing if you don't like how it works fix it yourself or wait till it's updated simple enough! Kids these days....

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Commented on 2016-12-24 01:47:06

rafael and LBJ are lengends, thanks guys. Althought, wish these folks would work on producing their our work instead of wasting time converting others. Be a lot more shit to use adn a lot less pissed ppl

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Commented on 2016-12-24 02:50:05

by any chance is there a possibility you could convert and release lbj's kinze pack?

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