I edited this truck for you to use on your farm to feed your animals. I fixed the Kenworth t800 (replaced emmissiveadditive and emmissivebillboard shaders), stretched the frame out, moved the rear axle back, removed trailer tongue from feed mixer, added the feed mixer to the truck, made and added rear fenders, and added beacons.
Youtube: click_here
Note: Je ne suis pas un créateur de mods juste mis des mods d'autres personnes, avant de laisser un sms pour critiquer consulter les crédits du mod. Merci
eu nao sou criador de mods apenas posto mods de outras pessoas , antes de deixarem uma sms a criticar consultem os creditos do mod. obrigad
Note: I am not a creator of mods just put mods of other people, before leaving a sms to criticize consult the credits of the mod. thank you
looks better as a single rear axle but its rather useless without the hitch as most would farmers haul feed/water with 1 truck in FS17 I did just that, a 2 with the hitch put back on would be great thanks.
Dude this is a feed truck built to feed animals not a semi. Of course it dose not have a hitch since the mixer is built into the truck hence why there are feed mixer trailers in the game store if ur looking for those to use on other truck mods.
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