Some Tree Trucks for your enjoyment. Highly recommend the KST_Map. Also know as the best RP map available. ENTER/EXIT point of the bucket trucks are the Buckets itself.
Credit goes to whoever brought the models to game, and the edits go to CopenhagenKid69 and myself.

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

why are you releasing all your mods
I would suspect because he enjoys seeing his creations enjoyed by others. Some people do things out of the kindness of their hearts, to spread a little bit of happiness, and try to salvage a floundering community, plagued by in-fighting, thievery, drama and all sorts of other garbage that has been the downfall of so many other gaming communities. Why would you question a person being kind enough to release mods for others to enjoy? Just be happy he is being kind and releasing said mods. Sheesh.
Thanks for finally finishing the bucket truck to me, I always wanted to finish it, but once I was forced to sell the mod to Technic Mods, It was out of my control and I was not allowed to finish.
Don't forget to hire a million illegal immigrants and be stupid enough to get caught and get fined a record 95 million like the real company.
ASPLUNDH hires illegals.
I don't see my name in the credits anywhere. I added the service body to the GMC, along with reskinning that topkick bucket truck to be orange.
I can't get the GMC trucks to purchase. After I confirm purchase it just sits there with the hour glass flipping.
Figured out the conflict with the GMC 2500 and 3500. It was the "ForReal Module 2 Tire Dirt" that was the problem.
04xb12s Im having the same problem. Cant get the trucks to load. Did you just delete the for real module?
PAPPY Just uncheck it on the mods screen before you go into your saved game. It can stay in your mods folder.
one of your gmc truck with the buckets mod don't work worth shit can't get into it to drive it kept pushing E to enter and nothing needs to be fixed
uhh. if you know anything, you cant edit the post after its up... that dull light bulb about your head may never get bright.....
please release for 19
make one for fs19
Do I Unzip This?
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