Welcome to Lechlade Manor Farm, A Small map with 22 fields 9 grass the rest arable.
-- Map Features --
- A small cow shed located behind the farm by the mountains
- Large machinery and grain sheds (Animated)
- Animal market to purchase livestock
- Egg selling point
- Lots of local Cotwsold companies (Cotwsold Farm Machinery, Cotwsold Bakery, Smiths Grain Co and more!)
- Bale sell point
- 2 Grain selling points
- 1 Manure selling point
This map is set in Lechlade, Gloucesteshire and although is mostly ficticious, some aspects of real life are included
this map is full of LUA errors even can not shut the map down properly take 10 presses of the exit button to close
That's bullshit, it's got 1 LUA error, which is an animated object index but I cant find it as they all work correctly. And it works perfect for everyone else who has tried it, and everyone is aware of the LUA error on FSC pages
well I have just uploaded the photos to prove that there is the errors that I have said hopefully they will be in the photos
hi yes I am also getting the same errors LUAs and its not only 1 also getting a shadowdisableshader.xml error. I would maybe look at the blank map that you used may have been full of errors before starting .
Got errors lad , takes long time too load then it also dont shut right when i leave game its an easy fix so i will look it over , seams the same issues as springwells had and i sorted them and it wasn't tyres as many said , have a good day
been trying to cure some clear issues with the map but one has got me beat, your map only in my mods folder and game wont close on your map why?
its got me stumped to I'm just wondering if the modmap.lua has anything to do with it unless its a problem with the blank map its self maybe but FLUSTY94 only said it as one error hmmmmm yeah think he or she should go back and test properly
well I just hope its better then the last two maps you have made flusty94 because they both was released with loads of error think more testing is the key
don't release till no errors good luck
Suberb map lad, downloaded , tweeked, sorted shader, running flawlessly, even the exit is smooth
ben can you email me the link please, i will re-upload with you in the credits...
[email protected]
thanks mate
Sorry flusty i didn't respond sooner but i don't share a map where the uploader was ment too post perfect too start with, its an easy fix as i asked my 5yr old son too fix the problem and he did on a fresh download.
WTF is this, FFS lad cant you do anything right, i've download all your maps and each and everyone of them has BIG errors, problems
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