Los Grandes Terrenos 2017 v1.0.1.0


Map has three versions (2013, 2015, 2017).

1. Fixed download on the floor
2. Added collection of gold nuggets
3. Solid storage of potatoes, turnips and wood chips. Now is the central silo.
4. Añasidas lights up in BGA and farm.
5. Fixed numeric MARKER BGA

In this version of 2017 has been trying to obtain the structure of the fields, which slightly smaller
to farmers to put emissions.
This first version does not have many detelles, which will be included in a future version.
Errors in the map have by using objects from different versions of farmimg


Lobezno and Libre

Similar modifications

Commented on 2016-11-16 01:55:32

Straw disappears into fields. Please fix all fields to stop straw from falling through the ground.

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Commented on 2016-11-16 08:54:40

Hi...The Map will not load with the Mod "CoursePlay" activated, would be of great use in this map. Also there are a few errors in the log file . Bob.

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Commented on 2016-11-16 17:18:11

pour moi la map ne charge pas
sans doute le course play alors ?

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Commented on 2016-11-17 00:58:38

Hello, la map fonctionne avec Sp_Courseplay... il faut vendre le chargeur KRAMER (incompatibilitée avec le mod Sp_Courseplay ), sauvegarder la partie et rejouer en sélectionnant le Sp_Courseplay ... Bonne partie!!!

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Commented on 2016-11-17 01:02:28

Hello, the map works with Sp_Courseplay... we must sell the charger KRAMER (incompatibilitee with the Sp_Courseplay mod), save the game and replay by selecting the Sp_Courseplay... Good part!

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