MB G65 v1.1.0.0


Car information:
Name: MB G65
Price: € 236900, -
Daily upkeep: € 30, -
Horsepower: 612pk.

The car also has IC Controls,

Doors can be opened.
Windows can be opened.

Passengers function, total 5 farmers.

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Ingame 2017: Bart.
Edit version: NLD Farmers, Bart
Model: Evgenij.
Testing and fixes: Bart.
LUA from: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding), Alex2009.
Other: SpectralDodger, FSMT, vertexdezign.net.

The mod "Light on" for LS 17 is required.
As shown in Fig.

Required Mod [FS17] Light Addon by vertexdezign.

I do not give permission to edit the mod reupload it.
Gelieve niet de mod ergens different te upload zonder de originele download link!
Please do not upload the mod anywhere else without the original download link!
Please do not load the mod somewhere else without the original download link!


Ingame 2017: Bart.
Edit version: NLD Farmers, Bart
Model: Evgenij.
Testing and fixes: Bart.
LUA from: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding), Alex2009.
Other: SpectralDodger, FSMT, vertexdezign.net.

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