New Holland Tractor pack update by Stevie


FS17 New Holland Tractor pack update by Stevie.

Here's the New Holland Tractor pack update. All are dyeable with extra options, the T9's now will ignore Dirt and Terrain mod in my maps and also have a new engine option added. The T8 EVO also has a new engine option and cameras.

Now I just need to find out why I have a strong burning electrical smell coming from my PC tonight.

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Commented on 2018-08-03 09:55:06

зачем делать модели которые уже есть в игре от разработчика...это не возможно понять, вы наверное гений халтуры...
why make models that are already in the game from the developer ... it's not possible to understand, you probably are a genius of hack-work ...

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Commented on 2018-08-04 07:31:42

its possible to understand... you are a complete #ucking idiot. Simple, right?

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Commented on 2018-08-06 20:26:57

.!. O!O ...

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