Welcome to Nienborstel Agrartechnik! It's a beautiful medium size map for every farming simulator fan ;)
The map is very realistic, using real terrain with a lot of details!
Description of functions:
* All Standard Farming Simulator 17 features
* 3 genaral farms, several small storage yards and 2 Sell points
* BGA, Bio Heating Plant and Livestock Market
* Tip Collisions on every barn you can tip in
* Two main forestry areas, plus smaller woodlands for you to cut down as well as a sawmill
* All animals aviable
* Realistic hilly terrain
* The varied shape of fields and the possibility of buying fields
* Animated Gates, Doors, and extra Lights.
* Optimized for Seasons Mod
* Multi Terrain
* Accurate Map PDA
* Special new sky textures and new crop textures
No errors found during the tests!
Have a nice game!
I DO NOT agree change to my link!
- 1 Downloads in
6 years ago
this is Coldborough park farm
Remove this map at once. The person has to right to upload this as there work.
If you do not remove it I will be forced to send you a DMCA notice!!!
just.... LOL
Error: getChildAt index out of range.
LUA call stack:
dataS/scripts/objects/CollectableGoldNuggets.lua (27) : getChildAt
dataS/scripts/objects/CollectableGoldNuggets.lua (12) : new
you can say whatever you want it's useless and senseless: Thomas is not the modder or the owner, he is the biggest modthief here.
@bullettbill: Not saying - doing.
Para mis amigos los españoles , el mapa del juego nada tiene que ver con el mapa , si que es muy bonito pero estaras en tu granja pero en el mapa guia estas en medio de un campo y fastidia mucho ya que ni los puntos son en su sitio y no saves donde as de descargar.
no bale la pena descargarselo.
Well I cold care less about the pissing contest you kids all have. Thanks for the upload.
Ah Thomas - the mod thief strikes again. You obviously have no qualms about stealing as your a professional thief
So my superiority offends you somehow, yet you choose to take my name as your own. The truth is you wish you could be me ... period. You are dismissed :)
Once a map or mod becomes public there's nothing the original modder or editor can do if it gets changed and uploaded again and again and there's nothing noby can say or do about it so simple rule for you all "DONT MAKE YOUR WORK PUBLIC IF YOU DONT LIKE IT BEING CHANGED OVER AND OVER"
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