Pack Plateaux Lair v1.0.0.0


--- FR ---
Tout les plateaux disposent des fonctions suivantes :

- Possibilité de mettre ou non les fourragères en magasin.
- Achat ou non d'un gyrophare.
- Feux fonctionnels.
- Washable.
- Béquille manuelle.
- Possibilité d'autoload : balles carrées ; balles rondes de 1m3 ; balles rondes Ultima 1m4 et 1m5 ; Palettes.
- Sangles
- Flexibles Dynamiques (DynamicHoses)

--- EN ---

All trays have the following functions:

- Possibility to put the fodder in the store.
- Purchase or not of a rotating beacon.
- Functional lights.
- Washable.
- Hand stand.
- Possibility of autoload: square balls; round bales of 1m3; round balls Ultima 1m4 and 1m5; Pallets.
- Straps
- Dynamic Hoses

All trays have the following functions: - Possibility to put the fodder in the store. - Purchase or not of a rotating beacon. - Functional lights. - Washable. - Hand stand. - Possibility of autoload: square balls; round bales of 1m3; round balls Ultima 1m4 and 1m5; Pallets. - Straps - Dynamic Hoses



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Commented on 2017-09-09 20:33:40

mod review here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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