Petrowka Map v2.4.0.1


All the factories are equipped with conveyors. All production on pallets. There are 26 fields on the map, it's yours. Cultures and animals are standard. There is a production of pallets, flour and bread, sugar and a sawmill.
- Added dirt
- Added new storage
- Added storage of liquid manure
- Added cheese and butter production
- Added points for the purchase of fertilizers and seeds
- Added production of seeds, and fertilizers
- The shop for the purchase of machinery and animals has been changed
- 2 Large silos are transferred to the BGA
- On the map the road is more clearly traced
- Added another store for the sale of wood and bales
- Added new greenhouses (Strawberries, Raspberries, Tomatoes)
- Fixed bugs with forest trees and other errors.


Petro Krucheniuk

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