Placeable storage for feed v1.0.0.0


Hello all,
Here, everyone has a storage space that we have made for everyone.
We have made these specially for people who find this useful.
FillType: chaff , silage , grass , grass_windrow , dryGrass_windrow , straw.
Price: 90000 €
Capacity: 300000 l
Maintenance: 40 € / day

Hallo Leuten,
Hier hat jeder einen Speicherplatz, den wir für jeden gemacht haben.
Wir haben diese speziell für Leute gemacht, die das nützlich finden.
FillType: chaff , silage , grass , grass_windrow , dryGrass_windrow , straw.
Preis: 90000 €
Kapazität: 300000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 40 € / Tag


Claas 950
Tested door DEM_
by Dutch-Modding

Similar modifications

Commented on 2018-04-29 14:01:23

you can steal different man mods again

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Commented on 2018-04-29 15:06:31

O and your MIKE MODDING, i dont think so you peace off shit, how is stealing what, asswipe.

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Commented on 2018-04-29 19:07:15

This mod is a duplicate of a mod that some guy named dogface made. Identical in every way, except this one seems to be feed storage and not rootcrop storage. At least try to make it a bit different if you're going to swipe an existing mod, or maybe just credit the guy who made the original so you don't look like total douchebags. dutch modding = douchebag modding

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Commented on 2018-04-29 23:21:02

you peace off shit to Joop = EWP71, DEM_

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Commented on 2018-05-02 00:30:27

is hij weer andermans spullen aan het jatten

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Commented on 2018-05-02 02:50:13

I just use a aka, your using someones name that doesnt belong to you.

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Commented on 2018-05-09 17:06:51

hij doet niets anders dan jatten en van mensen geld aftroggelen
dus mensen pas op dutch modding is ook van mike modding of te wel michael niewold (dat is zijn naam op facebook)

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Commented on 2018-06-02 14:12:29

precies ben het hele eens met jou N.V.T

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