Whiskey Production
To produce whiskey you need Barrel Sugar Beet and Water
To play whit no problem you need this objects
Saegewerk placeable for LS17
Have fun
- 1 Downloads in
6 years ago
You whiskey is not made from sugar beets It's made from rye, wheat, corn but not sugar Beets.
where do one get the barrels from
from placeing this and looking at it real good this is moonshine still so moonshine other words corn liquor i wouls suguest a update on this and add corn and remove sugar beets
PINGUAR there is a barrel production that out you need it for barrels
good deal though i been wanting somethin like this thanks for the mod
Hello RAVEN2971 i Remove SugarBeet and put only Corn not Wheat and Barley?
i fill it with beets & water but im missing Fass according to the HUD what is Fass i do also have the placeable sawmill so what is Fass?
mod review here...................https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN-D9-PdD8E
pourquoi pas remplacer la betterave par la canne a sucre et le whisky par du rhum.
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