Welcome to Plaines de France. New remake of Sosnovka in French version.
Card composition and features:
- 5 farm buildings
- 137 fields (at the time of purchase this is the entire domain and not a field)
- Curable manure (cows and pigs)
- New soil texture in the fields
- New texture of barley and silage (On the ground the textures remain those of origin.
- If you want the same textures on the ground you will have to integrate them at the root of your game)
- Fully redesigned particle system
- NH Store
- 11 points of sale
- 10 points of sale to private customers (in front of garage/sand gravel ant ground only)
- 3 glass waste (to sell to biomass)
- 1 quarry (stone gravel extraction and supply of asphalt)
- Many water points (soil and gravel extraction)
- Possibility of sand extraction in the river
- Curable Ditches
- 2 construction site TP (trenches to be closed)
- Multiple forests
- Removable mouth/hedges and ploughable nettles (to connect fields)
- Storm flash (based on night cycle so also visible at night, "think of it as heat flashes")
- Building land (one of which must be cleaned before placing a building)
- Unclear terrain (possibility of trenches)
- Multiangle of land (64)
- More real animal cost
- Illumination in town (church, laposte, vet...)
- New service stations
- Selling point lighting
- New vehicles in traffic (if you stop the police/ambulances they will let you know...)
- Cows stabul/fields
- Military base (no entry / intrusion alarm)
- Solar panel fields.
salut a tous bravo pour ta carte tres jolie meme si elle arrive helas a la fin de fs 17 jolie travail
Thanks Man very good Map
i wish it was in rar file son i can play this map it look's awesome love the minning and the machines good work
this map should be put on the New FS 19 game map is awesome even real lighting on it
This is awesome work real great map
J ai hésité avant de la charger..et j ai été agréablement surpris...cette version de sosnovka est génial..très bien faite et innovante..plein de petit détail modifies...félicitation au mappeur..et merci pour le partage
muito .mas muito bom mapa só falta 2 coisas, cana de açucar e comboi...... Parabens mapa genial....obrigado
salut dit moi comment as tu tu pu ajouter les véhicules police gendarmerie poste ça marche pas avec moi lol
salut MAXIMUS ouvre ta map avec GE va sur Splines va sur TrafficSplines
si il a ça--- $data/maps/map02_trafficSystem.xml----- ta just a changer pour
salut a tous. belle carte vehiucle poste pompier gendarme bien bien. je voudrais ajouter un scania ou volvo avec trailer schmitz sur map. meme vehicule europeen parce ce que russe et americain cava.merci a tous
salut THESNAKE ouvert map GE splines trafficsplines. a part une route en S et spline il na rien d autre .quand vous dites ouvrir map vous parler map origine fs2017 ou sambreville . merci
bonjour tres belle map ravie super travail
re bonsoir dit moi je cherche lusine pour emener le sable les pierre a la ferme ont fais qoi avec
Bravo , c'est une très belle map , très intéressante et diversifié , j'aime beaucoup , merci .
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