En: Australian trailer for truck. Road West Trailer TRI350 BT, made in Australia, 51m3, 10,3m overall lengh, triple axle. Body built from extruded aluminium, panel, designed for single trailer or road train opération,full lengh roll tarp. The easy way for roadtrains with the RWT dolly.
Fr: Remorque pour camion de fabrication Australienne. Remorque semi RoadWest TRI350 BT, fabriquée en Australie, 51m3, 10,3m de long, triple essieu. Chassis réalisé à partir de panneaux d'aluminium extrudé, utilisable seule ou en train routier, bâche escamotable. La remorque idéale pour les trains routiers avec le dolly Roadwest
- Capacity 60000 liters
- Dirt / washable
Authors: Fendtbreizh22, TSF3 forum

1 Downloads in
7 years ago

is the rwt dolly coming out soon for this trailer
Thanks for the pic showing it's full of errors, you can keep your trailer mate
No, that's just this site's resident retard Sturdy who has nothing better to do than find every fault he can in others' mods. If there's even one simple, even meaningless line of text in the log, he'll post it like the lowlife prick he is. Worst part is, he can't do any better. He uploaded a mod, and someone pointed out errors to him.
mod video here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWd3jdQ52Yw&t=1s
update (3.5 MB):
could some one convert this trailer to fs19 (one currently in fs19 is crap) with east dump trailer chassis ghost axles crappy lights and rear hitch issues and dolly too
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