This is a edited version of Goldcrest Valley and my first mod.
Version 3.0 Chopped Straw mod
- Copped straw mod implemented. (can be downloaded from the mod hub)
- Built new extension to farm and added 4 new storage silos.
1 Seeds and Fertilizers 50k(you can not refill directly to seeder/fertilizer from silo).
2 Hay and dry grass barn 300k.
3 Forage, PigFood, Grass, Silage, Chaff. 325k.
4 Water 85k and 125k at greenhouse area(you need a water trailer that can fill from above, something like Kotte Universal trailers from Farmer_Andy will work).
- Greenhouse area for placeable greenhouses and with water silo.
- Buy points for fertilizers and seeds.
- New train stations/sell points.
- New fields.
- New roads and a lot of small things around the map.
- More tees!
- Fixed the errors from v2.0 and added new collisions for ground and buildings.
The changes are:
> New farm with silo, barn, cows, sheeps, pigs and chicken.
> Small edit to sawmill and minor changes to the rest of the map
> You can load the equipment back to the farm.
> More Trees
Copped straw mod implemented. (can be downloaded from the mod hub)
Built new extension to farm and added 4 new storage silos.
1 Seeds and Fertilizers 50k(you can not refill directly to seeder/fertilizer from silo).
2 Hay and dry grass barn 300k.
3 Forage, PigFood, Grass, Silage, Chaff. 325k.
4 Water 85k and 125k at greenhouse area(you need a water trailer that can fill from above, something like Kotte Universal trailers from Farmer_Andy will work).
Greenhouse area for placeable greenhouses and with water silo.
Buy points for fertilizers and seeds.
New train stations/sell points.
New fields.
New roads and a lot of small things around the map.
More tees!
Fixed the errors from v2.0 and added new collisions for ground and buildings.
V 2.0
Rebuilt the sell points for grain, manure, slurry and animals.
Extended the farm with more storage and a workshop.
Added animated gates/lights.
Built new roads + small things around the map.
Fixed the animal freeze problem +++.
Added some new starting equipment.
V 1.4
Moved wool pallet spawn point.
Fixed Cran.
Removed silo walls(Will bring them back when giant makes an update)
Moved viechle spawn point so you can place silo extentions
V 1.2
Fixed feeding triggers for cow and pigs.
V 1.1
I had to move the silo, it made a bug with the hayloft-sell trigger so you did not get money for the straw and grass.
Fixed Animal dirt zone.(not able to remove grass in front of cows)
The log is clean

2 Downloads in
8 years ago

merci pour cette carte super bien realisee
merci pour cette carte super bien realisee
tres bon travail
Problem: With this configuration does not show the amount of products in the warehouse, the table of information, with the prices of products, do not update.
Nice map. ))
Love this map! Having the animals all on the main farm is a great idea and this layout is perfect. A few problems I've encountered are: the water tower by the sheep pen allows you to unload but not load into a tank trailer; also, at the drop point on the main farm, all the product is transferred to the hay barn and not the silos by the drop point. In turn, the data on the menu screen does not update with the proper amount of seed/product.
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