Sitio Curuira v2.0


This map contains cow breeding, functional lights, soy texture and BR corn and red earth!
based in Brazil, west of Santa Catarina. - Credits: Race Modding. - Road texture, soy and corn are BRs. - contains cows. - It has 5 medium / low size gardens. I hope everyone will enjoy this map, based on the real life farm that I grew up on. Feel free to check it out on Google Earth and compare the real life farm with the virtual one. - BulletBill83

Este mapa contem criaçao de vacas, luzes funcionais, textura de soja e milho BR e terra vermelha!
baseado em Brazil, oeste de santa catarina. - créditos: Raça Modding. - textura de estrada, soja e milho são BRs. - contem criaçao de vacas. - possui 5 roças de medio/baixo porte. I hope everyone will enjoy this map, based on the real life farm that I grew up on. Feel free to check it out on Google Earth and compare the real life farm with the virtual one. - BulletBill83



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Commented on 2017-09-16 19:57:58


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Commented on 2017-09-17 03:49:54

this map is shit. nothing works. In GE its all backwards. I like the red dirt but thats about it.....

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