Sudharz Map v1.3.1 Seasons


Hello dear LS fans,

Version 1.3.1 Seasons
- Map works again with the LS17 patch 1.5.1
(old savegames can also be played)

Many will know my south resin map already from LS13 & LS15, now it is finally also available for LS17!
6 months work I put into the map to make them LS17 ready and above all to make even more beautiful and detailed.

Since welcome to the natural park "Südharz" and to the green southern Harz Karstlandschaft in the north of Thuringia!
The map stretches from the village exit Nordhausen in the west to the border of Saxony-Anhalt in the east, approx.10x4km area!

In a 40min video, I would like to introduce you in a flyover, the map to get a first impression, just take a look at it!
Have fun!

over 19000 felled trees, large forest areas with a new realistic texture of the forest paths
-92 fields (18 owned, all others can be bought)
-missions for possible fields
-6 villages
Fields completely redesigned, field paths redesigned (narrower)
chopped straw
-lighted houses by night
Light switch for lighting, eg. In halls
accessible gates (please get off and open / close with the mousetraps)
-bought vehicles / equipment are delivered to the farm
moving horses / fish / ducks / airplanes and more
-Transport and parking cars
new creek and water texture
(Often in places you should visit in any case, but of course also in the village)
-Milk must be sold with a milk hanger / milk transport (from the cow pasture to Rodishain)
Roads changed in some places, new roads have been added
-fewer texture angles
-crowded cowshed, cows also run into the cowshed
-Equipment search in the nests in the Hühnerstall
Vehicles can also be sold at the scrap yard
many different animal sounds
-ground power lines
-Infotafeln, partly with original pictures
-new nicer PDA
And much more ...

Where is what:
Cow pasture (behind the Ibergtalsperre, between Steigerthal and Stempeda, straw and feeding in the stable)
-Schweinestall in Steigerthal (straw in the stable tipping, water can be filled from the outside, feed best to drive on pasture)
-Schafweide near Petersdorf (water can be filled from the outside, to feed on the pasture)
-Viehmarkt (on LH Petersdorf area) for the collection of young animals
-Pferdestall in Herrmannsacker (oats, grass, hay)
-BGA site in Herrmannsacker (fill BGA bunker, get manure manure, 2 silo production silos)
-2 sawmills (direct sales in Steigerthal, in Petersdorf one gets boards which can be sold in the building next to the land trading Petersdorf)

Sugar beet
Oil rind

Required mods:

Set the dripping / rotting of the plants "off" at the beginning of the game!
If you want to open fields without buying them, open the savegame folder, the economy.xml searches z.b. For the field 1 this line <field number = "1" ownedByPlayer = "false" /> here you have to use "true" for the "false"!
I thank all modders for the great models which I have installed on my map !!!
And now I wish you a lot of fun with the map!
If you like them, I would be very happy if you take the map positively and recommend!
And it would be great if again someone finds the one or other great video created, thank you already times!
So go up to the field! ;)

This map may be downloaded using this link, also on other German portals! (No new link allowed !!!)
It can not be uploaded again !!!
Changes may not be offered for download as well !!!

Respect for Modders!
This map only works in Germany correctly. The reason for this is the disrespect in other countries, where you can reload the map while pointing it out.
If you can not understand the only link, you have to live with the z.b. Complete helper texts have been removed and are provided with hints instead.


Ersteller: Sheldon
Tester: Nov
verwendete neue Mods LS17 von:
AdditionalMapTypes: Blacksheep - RC-Devil
Horses: Mike-Modding
House by DBL: DBL
Milchverkaufstrigger: Marhu, Converted to FS17 Blacksheep
Lightswitches: Niggels - VertexDezign
Ackerschacht: XaaD
Stromverteilerkasten: BlackSheep(RC-Devil)
new Houses: goldfox
GALVANISED WATER TROUGH: The Mod Co. (Chocolatecake2001)
Schrankenset: Desperados93
Baumstützen und Fegeschutz: Crouwler
Daylight-Script: kevink98
WaterPuddle: kevink98
FliegenderAdler: BulldozerXL
Sägewerk: kevink98
Molkerei: LS-Player94
Svapa Agro Produktion (Gewächshaus, Palettenwerk, Kartonherstellung): Zews
foliage_ForestUndergrowth: sebaj
Obstbäume/Lagerhalle (von mir überarbeitet): Rosenthaler_ROS
Hochsilo (Petersdorf): t0xic0m Pummelboer

Similar modifications

Commented on 2017-11-12 14:08:21

First problem encountered at field 61 and 62 is a fence on the field.

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Commented on 2017-11-12 14:22:07

First problem encountered at field 61 and 62 is a fences on the field.

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Commented on 2017-11-12 14:35:54

a map of shit only mistakes crooked fields, animals fly have no sense this map of shit do not download that shit, the author of the map that goes to school learn to make a square or a rectangle the author and an ass and idiot

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