The Valley The Old Farm Privatumbau Public v2.0


Hello everybody,

Changelog V2.0.0.0:
flying objects F89 removed
Texture error corrected by ads
KWA revised (filling of potatoes and diesel)
Winter barley added to seed production
Meadow 93 fixed
new sales office added (Raiffeisen warehouse)
other little things

I would like to make you here the current conversion of the TVTOF available. To anticipate, the release on the part of the builder,
Blacksheep Modding, available. (PICTURE RELEASE) Thanks again at this point.

At first I list the change (hopefully I will not forget half of it)

GMKFC with other textures
128 floor angles
small and large productions (seeds, lime, liquid fertilizers, biodiesel, corn meal, compost, H-milk, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, compound feed, pig feed, septic tanks)
purchasable objects to promote long-term motivation
Pets are available (including sheep (ergo now they need straw)
new map hotspots
adjusted selling price (everything a bit more difficult)
more Selling goods
other types of fruit and fill types (oats, rye, mixed cereals, spelled, millet, winter barley, pickle substrate, nitrate, steamed potatoes, compost etc.)
new and further outlets (Sachsenmilch, bakery, diner, Raiffeisen, AgroLife, BioGaz)
Adaptation of building
Hose system
new traffic signs
Speed ​​increased traffic (about 50 km / h)
new waterplane
dynamic sky
Scales gates and moves handles to normal height (Thanks to SanAndreas from HotOnline)
Help icons so fewer questions arise
and what I've forgotten so much ...

Recommended: ChoppedStraw
Kotte Universal Pack
pant system
Required: mCompanyGraphics


Blacksheep Modding Edit: H4nnib4l22 Freigabe ist in Bilddatei hinzugefügt

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Commented on 2018-03-04 01:40:49

a chier !!

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Commented on 2018-03-04 06:03:02

nice map ,everything work fine

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Commented on 2018-03-04 08:19:07

Very beautiful map, good work. Thank you very much!

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Commented on 2018-03-04 08:23:22

voila,merci dcette carte est devenue très belle.Bravo au modeur(s) merci et encore bravo,5 étoiles sur 5 et un gros + d'encouragement.

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Commented on 2018-03-04 11:18:19


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Commented on 2018-03-04 11:58:54

très belle carte merci les Modeurs , c'est quoi le " pant system " ?

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Commented on 2018-03-04 14:25:06

pant sysreme ,ça doit être le hose système,donc le tuyau souple de raccordement d'un réservoir vers une cuve à lisier(par exemple).carte géniale merci encore de plus les champs sont vraiment modulables.

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Commented on 2018-03-04 16:31:00

Is there a way to get a little more English for the not so fortunate to read other languages :p

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Commented on 2018-03-04 16:40:16

I can't read :p ... use google translate, it's what i do :) .. they speak french and i have no problem with that :)

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Commented on 2018-03-04 16:56:28

I guess I should have said in the game lol not on here haha I do the translate when needed :p
at most I can write it down and google it ;)

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Commented on 2018-03-05 04:16:13

@LEXA KOM TRIKRU, i recognized the name as soon as i saw it. I'm a "The 100" Fan!

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Commented on 2018-03-05 19:04:56

c'est la map de BSM avec quelques modification rajout de chose et autres mais je ne voie rien de bien mieux sachant en plus que BSM doit surement faire paraître une deuxième version de sa carte personnellement je n'appréci pas même ci le travail est pas mal ce que je regrette c'est surtout que ce soit une reprise de map de quelqu'un d'autre mais bon jeux a ceux qui 'apprecis .

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