Volvo Fh16 750 Logging v1.0.0


The truck with turntable.
The truck built for loading chimney as well as being able to move it.
Features are a lot.
Change mirrors etc. inside the cab!
The crane works like this
My mouse. Raises the first part!
Then the usual crane functions on the rest. Pull out the stick and the tree at the same time.,!
The crane is a Palfinger 150002 with grip!
Support legs are J and Ctrl Key 4 slide right o left
N and U turn down the headrest leg!
B and O to put them down!



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

beaucoup d'erreur log en plus le camion est enfonce dans le goudron manque beaucoup de réglage et les camera mal réglé

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