Welcome to the real Welker Farms Inc. Welker Farms is located in North Central Montana and has been around since 1912. Now it's your turn to run this Farm.
Game Farming Simulator 17
Manufacturer Mappers Paradise
Category Map
Author Mappers Paradise
Size 431.80 MB
Released 12.07.2018
Platform PC/MAC, PS4, XB1

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

omg yes finally love it
first comment
its just a field. boring map. i`m very disappointed ! 1 star
awesome map but no animals no sugarcane not many sell points etc I give it a 1 rating myself
I don't know why you would expect sugarcane to be on a farm in this part of the world, but would have to agree, it's a very simple flat map for Ag farming with not a lot else to do. Lots of room for placeables. The map reminds me of farms in the more remote areas of australia, hot, dusty, barren, with a few million flies thrown in for free.
For me a great map, very well done. It does not matter that I do not have animals, it is a farm of cultures lost in the middle of the state of Montana, I love easy and simple and many hours with the curser play. I do not ask for more.
absoluter Dreck wie Nick schon geschrieben hat
well i want to play it , but it keeps freezing up on me when i do one thing
Idk I was on it with two of my friends so
too basic and boring, giants maps are better
I agree great map but it freezes on me everytime i start it up.
I expected more the way the map was hyped up, Although it is a very well done map astatically , it still lacks the basics like animals for example. There are cow farms in Montana. If your into large fields with nothing else to do other than farm, then this is for you. It is a well done map as far as that goes but nothing more. I was actually more excited to get the big brute sprayer than I was to get this map. Good map, just not for me but I still say well done.
It crashed on me but found the animals notification mod needs to be disabled works now works great
Very well done map and what the rest have failed to read is this was done off a working farm that don't do animals at all they are in to cash crops so I would suggest before you downgrade the map that you should really read what the map is about and if you cant read then you can go to youtube and watch videos of the really working farm...But this is a outstanding map and fun to play...five stars for the map makers
It's a perfect map giving us virtual farmer types a chance to see how things get done on Welker Farms. A place for Big Bud tractors, other big machines, and BIG fields. Totally what I expected to find and totally happy with the map. Thanks guys.
@Warondar i bet you are the mapper and "Fire" must be your bud. lol
i dont give a s**** if its real or not.. this map is a joke. ugly houses and barns. MP did that better in the past. cant belive they won the contest
Soooo, if a mapmaker doesn't make a map to your exact personal preferences then it's a fail, hmm, yes, well done. Maybe the mapmaker should also send you an email apologising for his ignorance of this fact, or maybe you should just appreciate that someone took the time to make it and if it's not your style of map then just don't play it, simple.
Not what i expected its poor enough said, look at real map Stevies Cherry Hills
sweet map another awesome Montana map for FS17 Welker Farms is not far from my home town in Montana, job well done 10 out of 10 stars thanks a million, any chance of another Montana map based on eastern MT like Glendive/Jordan MT which are real flat prairie land farms much like this one.
The problem here is, the real Jack Black is funny...you're not.
Jdunn could make a better map! xD i mean really really boring map....... you guys really have to stop doing so much for these console people if you want good mods head to pc, play a map with a few factories in it dont just make it a placeable if you took half the time making the map to actually thinking of something good to put in it more people would be happy with it
I don't expect animals or sugarcane, and those who do should not even be on this page at all, let alone trying to download a map that they KNOW is not supposed to contain that stuff. They knew this since the map was first announced, yet act like they didn't know. Anyway, I am awaiting the 4x version of this map as I don't care for a shrunken version meant to appeal to console players. I'll use this map for some serious Courseplay when they release the actual full sized version.
This is the most heard about map coming to fs17 in a long as time, and everyone was expecting more then what is actually offered in this map, there is hardly anything to do, if your thing is big fields and cows only, then this is for you but this offer's very little other then that, 2 out of 10 stars
Sticking to west bridge hills
I downloaded the map. Then go to play it, the game wont even allow me to drive vehichles, wont go to the in game shop, and wont go to the menu screen. What do i do???????
Hey all you dumb ass's ..... this is Montana USA ...do your research... sugarcane is not grown in Montana...cotton is grown in the south....The plants he has given us in this map are spot on... This is a FARMING MAP and is done very realistic for that area and his for farm ....
Look at this dip shit "Welcome to the real Welker Farms Inc. Welker Farms is located in North Central Montana and has been around since 1912. Now it's your turn to run this Farm."
Notice the part that says "now its your turn to run this farm" sense your brain is not capable to realize, that means you can run it how ever you want, but the way its set up you are forced to run it the way the maker wanted it to be ran
@ @MD, dude grow up or grab a box of tissues, if you don't like the map then play another one, it isn't that hard.
Now i can drive and walk, but still cant get to the store menu or the game menu. Plz help. I really want to play this map.
Good Map, however its glitchy and freezes and i get stuck in scroll or cant move
For kicks I downloaded and checked out the map, only to test performance and stability (still waiting for a scaled version before actually playing).
There were no performance issues at all. My PC is VERY low end, as well. Frames were excellent and the log threw no errors at all.
Just clarifying as a lot of users posting here seem to be trying to make this map work with conflicting mods and other PC issues without even trying to isolate the cause on their own machine first
lucky for you guys it won't download for me
Convert to FS19? Please and thank you. Love this map.
None of you nitwits understand farming in Montana.
How long till this comes out on 19?
Can you please convert this map to farming simaltor 19
we need this for 19
convert it please somone
yes we need it in 19 or some other montana map . it would be cool if we could do ranching
yes farm boy
yes farm bo
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