Japanese Transport Trailer v1.2.0.0 for FS19
Body length : 13.0m
Deck length : 7.0m
Work width : 3.2m
- Tension Belt
- Slide LoadingRamp
- Choice of Rim Color
- Choice of Body Color
- SupportLeg Folding HundleAnimation
- Selectable Design(Autoramp,SelfRamp)
V1.2.0.0 - Add NewDesign , Fixed foliageBending , Add ChangeControlGroup
v1.1.0.1 : bug fixed
v1.1 : Add NewBody , renewal 3Dmodels, fix damper, fix suspention, Add NewAnimation (SupportLeg FoldingHundle)
v1.0 : released
credit : Erix05
sorry i do not think they have these in real life looks unreal and stupid does not look like the 300 ton lowboy
Hello, This Trailer is making the image of the following in reference.
The load weight is about 30 to 40 tons
In Japan it is a commonly used trailer
lol get outside hang around truck stops/roadhouses will find them in Australia bosich and drake used to make ones simular to that trailer
When using the seperate ramps(blue & yellow), I can't find any problems.
But when the ramps are attached(green), the back STILL seems to 'touch' the ground.
Reply was delayed.
I'd like to fix it in the next mod update.
Thank you for always feedback.
@ERIX05 - I sent you a friend request on mod hub as I have some questions about the trailer. I've used it as the base for a mod and I'd like you to have a look at it. :)
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