2nd gen cummins with ford bumper for Farming simulator 19
version 2 will come out soon, but the ford bumper gives it a different look on the dodge!
Credits: Expendables Modding, farming_fam

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

well......this is something I never thought would happen
love the truck but.......WHY!?
this mod looks retarded. im sorry, these trucks are awesome, but the bumper is stupid as shit. doesn't fit it in with the truck at all. if i had an iron cross bumper or some shit like that, holy fuck yea would it be sweet, but a factory ford bumper?? nope, doesn't work. chevy and dodge are the best fucking trucks, ford sucks complete ass on everything and they always screw up on something.
so in conclusion, ford royally fucked up with this bumper, and you are pretty much disrespecting dodge by doing this.
Just Dumb.
you wish dodge-transmission failure for newer models! older models aren't a problem. 1500 and 3500 out the window and don't get me started on chevy. All any chevy has some kind of problem.
Cheap hunks of junk passenger seatbelt malfunction terrible editing for their sad ads and false awards. Fords and close to flawless I know people who were gonna buy a chevy looked at ford drove it and bought the ford. Know your cars!
fords are complete junk. every ford i have ever worked on (i have been working for 10+ years) has everything backwards. nothing's labelled, shit wears out too fast on them, etc. and just down right ugly designs! dodge and chevy are the only things that last. just like the memes say "98% of fords are on the road today. only 2% made it home." i have owned a couple fords, rock hard seats and shitty interior. finally bought chevys to replace them, they feel and perform absolutely perfect! deal with
This is a freaking game....this is why the modding community is garbage. Y'all can't keep your personal opinions out of it which ruins it for everyone else....
Chevy? ...(chuckle)
Ford? ...(giggle)
Dodge? ...(bahaha hahaha hahaha)
Mercedes G Wagon (for the serious offroader)
not all of us have daddys money bro
hehehaha moddude102 big gay yes
get a fucken life you stuip motherfuckers every fuck shitty word that comes out of your mouth needs to be stock up your ass that it comes out of your mouth all fucken week long you fucken dicks all i see you asshole write is the fucken word ggggggggggggaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy if you dont like dodge just fuck off
i looks perflky fuck fine to me you stuip bitchs just the bumper is a bit big standing forward
can someone please tell me that the assholes writing all their gay shit on here are not fuck 10 fucken years old come on guys how stuip can you ffffuuuucccckkkkeeeennnn get ............................................................................................................................................................... assholes
i like the truck but why
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