This pack contains 4 sheds.
Two sheds with workshop and two without.
There is one red and one tan in eash category.
Thanks to CBJ Midwest Modding for the permission to release it.
Credits 72x160 workshop shed:
Model: CraigoryJamison of CBJ Midwest Modding
Texture: CraigoryJamison of CBJ Midwest Modding, GIANTS software and H8ggern
Building Dimensions and Concept: Justin of CBJ Midwest Modding
Steel Diffuse Textures: Karmarj
Decoration models: GIANTS software
Additional edeting FS19: H8ggern
Scripting FS19: H8ggern
Exported from County Line (converted by KS modding) FS19: H8ggern

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

If U like this building u mite like the mod pack it came from that was pre-released on FB a month ago. Like 4 or 5 different colors or maybe was just stolen from the Seneca map who had permission to use it. but been out a while. Its guys like this!
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Here's the proper link AFAIK, with proper credits and permissions.
They require you to pay to join. Not gonna download from there.
I have pack that NICEMODAH (Funny!) is talking about... U can DL free on facebook. It's pack of 50 barns OLM Farms put together this one in is in it. It said wouldn't be on Modhub because some barns are edits they dont want money for edits.
Nexus Mods does not require anyone to pay to download mods. Not sure where you got that info from.
I agree with KNOTTYPINE. Nexus Mods does not require you to pay anything. They have the option of supporting them, but if you scroll to the bottom of the page and click create account then you can create the free account. You're not paying for anything.
I am getting the shop is it a good mod
good idea gadevil
@DON'T PAY! Do you happen to have a link to that pack?
i eat paper
SiMR says he isn't paying for shit. Mods will be released ANYWAYS. SiMR says he would never support modders (glue sniffers) SiMR offers them crack head modders a job making sandwhichs tho (get in the kitchen bitch) SiMR is laughing his ass off at you door screws (he so hilarious) SiMR For President 2020. SiMR also states you BHTG's can all go fuck yourselves (which you are accustom to doing anyways) SiMR is Rouge American and you don't want none of him (he's dead serious)
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