Display additional info in the field info panel when walking through a field:
- Area of each field in the current land
- Current land area
- Price per ha (per ac) of the cultivated area on land you don't own

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

FINALLY! This has been a thing on my mind for a while now as something Giants SHOULD have put in the game! Thank you!
As a modder, it would be nice if you or someone else could come up with a true bush-hog. The game needs a way to remove those annoying brush clumps without having to plow the whole area. This causes confusion with the "AI" when you hire help to plow/plant, as the AI always plows/plants the area where bushes were when you turn it into grass. The addition of paintable grass helps with that, but it would be more realistic if there was a bush-hog to remove JUST the bushes without plowing it and/or
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