Hire a Ranch Hand to feed, water and bed your animals for a small daily fee.
Daily at 7am the worker will:
- Fill the water trough and straw bedding for all your animals.
- Feed all your animals based on number of animals
- Charge a daily fee of 5% + base cost (in settings) + number of animals
New in Version 2.0
- Feeds all animals one type of food based on 6 days of consumption per animal per weight. (Doesn't completely fill the trough)
- New settings XML file in modsettings folder to configure animal worker is active, base price per animal (to feed) and fee.
- Costs are added daily at exactly 7 am and printed out in the dev console, along with number of animals fed.
- Multilingual description
- Multiplayer compatible
Bugs / Conflicts
- No known conflicts at this time. (Still works with Animal HUD, Animals Clean, Animal Pen Extension and Horse Helper).
Upcoming Updates
- Add configurable food fill amounts
- Add input binds to Activate/De-activate the worker
- Add option to sell eggs, milk, manure, slurry, wool
- Spawn in worker with correct vehicle and change rate to hourly, making him drive to/from sell/buy points for realism. (Maybe...)
Hello Tunnelrat, Your thoughts are very good. But this mod does not work, the entire add work does not respond?
But this mod does not work, the entire add work does not respond?
The mod doesn't work like it does with you
does not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Tunnelrat: A great idea, worked with water and bedding with previous version, but as above, doesn't seem to have fed the animals (Ran past 7.00am x2) not sure if it recognizes all / any pens. Again, great concept... thanks for sharing and hope it can be sorted.
it works you must set from false to true in the XML file in modsettings folder
test it
Any specific modifications? Path and modify location?
Thanks DARTH666: Can you or someone else please be more specific. I don't mess with files, so what folder / file am I looking for please? A copy of the exact line would be helpful, thanks. IE Where do I find modsettings folder? Thanks
I have notice when this file version is Active by editing it true. the game messes up, i cant tab from tractor to tractor. the is a lag delay between pressing the button and the game responding.
@DARTH666: Scrub last message... found the line.... thanks! Will test - hoping it won't cause same problems as SIERRAALPHA84!
Shame.. Lags my game too.. Great idea - but I'll stick with V1.1 and feed the animals myself! Thanks to all who tried to help!
Try the mods before publishing them this doesn't work
Next version has default worker active to true. Overlooked that.
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