And again the same rake, only more boards were added, stop the Snakes, fix the belts, the mod was checked, on a clean kleint of the game without modifications.

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

@wadimmm, get lost elseware
why not help fix it or show how to fix it, only so much spare time, and damn he is doing lots, cut the guy some slack
use a other autoload trailer i have no problemo
use a other autoload trailer, i have no problemo
I load everything manually and it is important to me that the belts would work, why do I need a truck load , in real life you also load pallets with a truck load and you also have them falling from the air, I do not think so.
This is not a forum to create some threads about issues on mods.
Send a message to snake with the problems you highlighted.
What you are doing is a waste of time.
I him wrote he constantly offline, and there is his group where any
use this...........
так и хотите что бы я автопогрузкой грузил
I think i may have found your problem.................your quote "I load everything manually and it is important to me that the belts would work" think about that for just one second, and a free website to get mods others create and give away out of their own kindness.
in my opinion you [WADIMMM] dont need help because you put a personal site to generate downloads this is my opinion for me works fine
Wadimmm...stop cry'n like a bitch! It just Works for now...he may fix it later.
Вот когда у вас всех слетит нахер сохранение потом будете ныть
Вот иза такого как ты мы все и загремели , лог проверь дыбил!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wadimmm...your just a no english speaking,crying bitch....gkuhsdul;kj;isadkjf'lvivdrao[ this!
does anyone know how to fix the straps? instead of everyone doing this why not use the modders comments, to work together, maybe it is an issue the modder does not know how to fix yet, if only everyone grabbed at positive than taking the negative to a whole new level. dont comment the fix here, tho......
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