Cotton Storage Sheds v1.0.0.0


These 10 x 20 meter steel sheds are the perfect solution for the farmer who wants to keep cotton bales in stock.
With an easy to use interface and the option for modules and round bales these compact sheds will have a place on all farms.

Modified bale capacities will be accepted and respawned in the same order as they are delivered.

Buildings use the original purpose built 'Object Storage.lua' so no extra script addons or mods are required.

- Roof top snow when using Seasons in snowy conditions.

Module Shed:
Price: 11000 $
Capacity: 60

Round Bale Shed:
Price: 11000 $
Capacity: 72
Note: Official Cotton DLC Required



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

how do you get the modules back out of the shed onto a trailer. I'm using an autoload trailer, it emptied to the shed fine, but i can't figure out how to get the module back onto the trailer to sell it.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I have unloaded them on the ground in the ground markings, and the round cotton bales just set there, and never are moved into the shed. I went all the way around the building, and could not bring up any type of menu? ? ? Mod really lacking instructions, maybe it doesn't like my GC mod.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

i'm going to use it to park my RV lol

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