Cow Husbandry With Biomilk v1.0.0.1


Cow Husbandry with biomilk

- Fix bug in i3d ( Cooling fans are now running )
- Tank for Oganic milk
- Animal Pen repaired

Capacity: 450 Cows
Price: 275000 $
Daily upkeep: 250 $
Switchable light
Seasons ready
Animal Pen ready
Manure System ready
In this cowshed there is ONLY organic milk, no normal milk
Trailer ans Salepoint for organic milk are included in the pack!



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Biomilk? Organic milk? ...milk is just milk. It's the marketing departments of companies reselling the milk that want consumers to think there is a difference so they can up the price and "milk" consumers. I know, I work in the marketing dept. for Pura milk in Australia.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

It's the same in the wine industry, same wine in the same bottle, different label (different company) and a different shelf price. It's a known / accepted (and legal) business practice.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

No one is forced to download the mods. Why do you do 10,000 weights when 5 is enough and the rest do the same?
But then wonder if there are no more mods

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