EN: In this factory, canola and sunflowers produce -> Diesel. Production / Hour: 1.000 Liter Required Inputs: Canola 60% and Sunflowers 40% Output: Diesel Information: Mod only playable in combination with GlobalCompany! Global Company Mod - LsModcompany / kevink98 - GtX - Eribus Modell - Giants Software Concept/Implementation - Der_Mali
DE: Raps und Sonnenblumen produzieren in dieser Fabrik -> Diesel. Produktion / Stunde: 1.000 Liter Benötigte Rohstoffe: Raps 60% und Sonnenblumen 40% Produkt: Diesel Information: Mod nur in Verbindung mit GlobalCompany spielbar! Global Company Mod - LsModcompany / kevink98 - GtX - Eribus Modell - Giants Software Idee/Umsetzung - Der_Mali
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
canola and sunflowers produce diesel?
you foreign people are funny!!!
Biodiesel can be made from Canola oil, which has the right gel point, and Potassium Hydroxide. Sunflower seeds a good amount of potassium from which potassium Hydroxidencan be made. So Boidiesel from canola and sunflowers is not as far-fetched as You may think!
Trottel Name
well where I come from its made with soybeans
I could care less about sunflowers and canola
doofe Ziege
@NAME I take Youyr point. Soybeans would be more legit. I'm not sure why the mod author chose sunflowers. My point was that sunflowers is not impossible, just harder. Hopefully the mod author will realize that soybeans are better and change it.
you can make biodiesel with rapeseed.
can you make it whit out Global Company ??
you tools need to learn science, you can make biodiesel from tons of different things just like alcohol. Got wood? look into wood can be used to produce both, whod thunk it amIright?
Look into the wonders of algea, science is great unless you try to prove global warming and melting snowflakes...
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