Dondi 800 series subsoiler pack:
- 805; 5 anchors, working width 2.8m, requires 180hp, specific weight 1300kg
- 807: 7 anchors, 3.5m working width, requires 250CV, specific weight 1800kg
- 809: 9 anchors, working width 4.5m, requires 370CV, specific weight 2200kg
- 811: 11 anchors, working width 5.5m, requires 500CV, specific weight 3350kg
- 813: 13 anchors, working width 6.5m, requires 700CV, specific weight 4200kg
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
Does it create new fields?
No, it doesn't create fields.
There are clear errors in this mod with the xml files. There is an error warning on the item page in the store when you go to buy them. A quick look inside the xmls and there are mistakes made with tool functions, type description etc and also ridiculous Horse Power Requirements compared to similar sized equipment already in game.
This because a fucking asshole pubblished this mod from fs17 without my permission, and i am the owner of this mod
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