Modern silo for agricultural products.
Fill Tpyes:
wheat, barley, sunflower, soybean, canola, maize, oat, potato, sugar beet, sugar cane, forage, forage mixing, chaff, silage, straw, grass, dry grass, wood chips, pig food, lime, manure, fertilizer, seeds, alfalfa, sorghum, blackbean, sudan grass, clover, cherry, peanut, rice, corn 2, tobacco,
1.000.000 l Per fill type
120000 $
Daily Upkeep: 45
Thank you KONRADSB for this mod!
What is the name of the map where we can add the products?
alfalfa, sorghum, blackbean, sudan grass, clover, cherry, peanut, rice, corn 2, tobacco,
work on the map is ongoing. wait patiently
Can you add hops, onion, carrots too on your next update on the silo version?
nice mod
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