First up many many thanks to FTR for your very kind donation, many thanks Stevie.
Second up I was asked to increase the capacity on a few trailers for Fenton Forest 4x so here they are. A couple have modified rear hitches as well.

1 Downloads in
4 years ago

the lode king trailer i use from a different modder i have it edited to 25 million in both sections it wont pull 50 in each but i havent found its highest working fill yet im temped to just make it a one working section only because if you mix items you will cancel out what was loaded before it (a tip if you lower your capacity while it is loaded it will remove the excess amount in the trailer if is higher then the new amount)
What the hell does that have to do with this mod?
Thanks To Stevie, we get equipment a farmer really needs and at a lower price. he is a great editor and Legend Mapper. go to FB (type in search Stevies Mods) follow him/ and support Stevie if you can (merely suggestive)..his edits and mods deserves your attention and you wont regret supporting Stevie with your donations. Stevie has Always been a head of everyone else and current with updated maps/edits. Stevie lives, and breathes Farming Simulator. the man is the friendliest modder you'll ever w
want to know. ive known this man for a few years. He DOES NOT edit NO ONE mods only Vanilla Giants Mods and he does it best. Stevies Maps are his trade work.
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